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Starting Something New

Updated: Oct 1, 2022

There are a myriad of reasons why you might decide to try something new when it comes to staying fit and keeping healthy. Maybe you’re bored of doing the same classes at the gym, or running the same route all the time. Perhaps you’ve had the same exercise routine for over a year and your progress has plateaued - you’re bored!

Sometimes the need for a change is more specific and you physically can’t do what you usually would to move your body, so you have to find something different.

Occasionally you might see someone doing something that you find inspiring and you decide you’d like to give it a try, because it can be fun to have a new challenge.

Whatever the reason, trying something new can be a bit intimidating and it can be hard to know where to start, so much so that you never try, so I thought this month I would offer a few tips to help you on your way.

For myself, I found myself unable to run at various points during the last year. Running is my go to stress reliever and calorie burner! So this was tough.

I decided to start swimming as this is a form of exercise I was able to do.

I’m lucky that I belong to a gym that has both an indoor and an outdoor pool. My husband is a great swimmer and I have a dear friend who is also very talented in the water. So lots of support and knowledge around me, access to great facilities, recipe for success right? Not so much!

I got in the pool for sure and I swam. But I just felt like a fish out of water (haha!) My form was terrible, I felt so slow and clumsy, even with the helpful hints and tips from friends and family. It was pretty half hearted and my 3 times a week swim schedule rapidly declined to 2 then 1 and yes, you guessed it, I haven't been in the pool for a while now. But, I know it’s so good for me and I really want to try again!

So, I’m adopting a new approach, one which can be applied to trying lots of new things, and I will keep you updated on my progress through my instagram and facebook pages!

Here’s the plan

Set some SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) This helps you focus on what you want to achieve and measure your progress.

I will swim for a minimum of 30 minutes, 2 times a week

That’s it! Simple right? Don’t make things more complicated than they need to be Jane!

Give it time It’s important to stick with something for long enough that you start to see an improvement so that you can really judge whether you enjoy it or not.

I’m going to give it 3 months before I make a decision if I want to keep swimming or if it’s not for me. Too often when things are hard, we don’t push through till we are past the hard learning stage and into the enjoyment phase. And when I say "we" I really mean me!

Embrace being a beginner It’s brave to start something new and everyone has to start somewhere. Usually at the beginning.

I’m going to work hard at not comparing myself to other athletes in the pool Especially the super super speedy annoying 12 year olds!!!!!!

Get help from a professional Having someone who’s not a friend or family member and who’s an expert in the field can get you started on the right track and stop you from picking up bad technique habits in the beginning. It also helps with accountability.

Even coaches need coaches right? I’m fortunate to know a swim coach locally who works with swimmers of all ages and ability levels. For locals her name is Ali Headly and you can contact her here - and her website is She is giving me some swim workouts to help me make the most of time in the pool to start with and I have booked a private lesson to make a start on beginning to swim more efficiently.

Just do it! (to coin a well known company slogan) don’t worry about buying the a whole bunch of new stuff before you start, just make do with what you’ve got until you decide if it’s really for you.

I’ve got to be honest, this is a hard one for me! I do have a bit of a reputation in my family for getting the latest and greatest kit to get ready to start something new (think tennis racquets, outdoor bike gear, hiking shoes, cute running tops etc, etc you get the picture) and then not following through. So no new stuff for me, until I decide whether swimming is my jam.

So, wish me luck! Some of these behaviors will be challenging for me, but I'm hopeful that using the approach above will help.

Follow me on social media (facebook and Instagram ) to see how it goes, along with other ideas about starting new things, workouts, trying new recipes and more!

See you next month!

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